id, grain_id, check_date, Environment_temper, Environment_wet, wind_direction, wind_speed, air_pressure, rain_snow, flashLight, CO2, uuid, c_id, c_time, u_id, u_time, version, sync_flag INSERT INTO weather_monitor id , grain_id, check_date, Environment_temper, Environment_wet, wind_direction , wind_speed , air_pressure , rain_snow , flashLight , CO2 , uuid , c_id , c_time , u_id , u_time , version , sync_flag , #{id}, #{grainId}, #{checkDate}, #{environmentTemper}, #{environmentWet}, #{windDirection}, #{windSpeed}, #{airPressure}, #{rainSnow}, #{flashLight}, #{CO2}, #{uuid}, #{cId}, #{cTime}, #{uId}, #{uTime}, #{version}, #{syncFlag} UPDATE weather_monitor and id = #{id}, grain_id = #{grainId}, and check_date = #{checkDate}, and Environment_temper= #{environmentTemper}, and Environment_wet = #{environmentWet}, and wind_direction = #{windDirection}, and wind_speed = #{windSpeed}, and air_pressure = #{airPressure}, and rain_snow = #{rainSnow}, and flashLight = #{flashLight}, and CO2 = #{CO2}, and uuid = #{uuid}, and c_id = #{cId}, and c_time = #{cTime}, and u_id = #{uId}, and u_time = #{uTime}, and version = #{version}, and sync_flag = #{syncFlag} WHERE id = #{id} DELETE FROM weather_monitor WHERE id = #{id} DELETE FROM weather_monitor WHERE id IN #{item}