a.id , a.uuid , a.grain_id , a.house_id , a.get_man , a.get_number , a.back_number , a.bookkeeper , a.handler , a.`number` , a.unit , a.collator , a.get_time , a.device_describe , a.unit_price , a.remark , a.c_id , a.c_time , a.u_id , a.u_time , a.model_uuid, a.grain_get_id, a.other_house, a.device_id_of, a.workingStatus, a.grain_type, a.pro_num, a.amount, a.department_head, a.leaders_in_charge a.uuid, a.other_house, a.grain_id , a.house_id , a.get_man , a.get_number , a.back_number , a.bookkeeper , a.handler , a.`number` , a.collator , a.get_time , a.model_uuid, /*ddm.device_model,*/ a.grain_get_id, a.device_id_of /*仓储设备使用单新加字段*/ a.application_department, a.applicant, a.application_reason , a.department_heads , a.leadership_opinions , a.normal_boot , a.normal_operation , a.clean_and_tidy , a.fixed_asset_number, sg.name , ddm.device_name , ddm.device_model , ddm.device_kind, ddm.device_name , ddm.device_model , ddm.device_kind, sg.name AS grain_name1, ddm.device_name , ddm.device_model , ddm.device_kind, c.house_name, d.name AS namee, c.house_name, dd.device_no, dd.asset_number, INSERT INTO record_device_get id, uuid, grain_id, house_id, get_man, get_number, back_number, bookkeeper, handler, `number`, unit, collator, get_time, device_describe, remark, c_id, c_time, u_id, u_time, model_uuid, grain_get_id, other_house, device_id_of, workingStatus, grain_type, pro_num, department_head, leaders_in_charge, employer, responsible_department_head, retrieval_department, amount, unit_price, application_department , applicant, application_reason, department_heads, leadership_opinions , normal_boot , normal_operation , clean_and_tidy, fixed_asset_number #{id}, #{uuid}, #{grainId}, #{houseId}, #{getMan}, #{getNumber}, #{backNumber}, #{bookkeeper}, #{handler}, #{number}, #{unit}, #{collator}, #{getTime}, #{deviceDescribe}, #{remark}, #{cId}, #{cTime}, #{uId} , #{uTime} , #{modelUuid}, #{grainGetId}, #{otherHouse}, #{device_id_of}, #{workingStatus}, #{grain_type}, #{pro_num}, #{departmentHead}, #{leadersInCharge}, #{employer}, #{responsibleDepartmentHead}, #{retrievalDepartment}, #{amount}, #{unitPrice}, #{applicationDepartment}, #{applicant}, #{applicationReason}, #{departmentHeads}, #{leadershipOpinions}, #{normalBoot}, #{normalOperation}, #{cleanAndTidy}, #{fixedAssetNumber} UPDATE record_device_get id= #{id} , uuid = #{uuid} , grain_id= #{grainId} , house_id = #{houseId} , get_man = #{getMan} , device_name= #{deviceName} , device_model= #{deviceModel} , get_number= #{getNumber} , back_number= #{backNumber} , bookkeeper= #{bookkeeper} , handler= #{handler} , `number`= #{number} , unit= #{unit} , collator= #{collator} , get_time= #{getTime} , device_describe= #{deviceDescribe} , remark= #{remark} , c_id= #{cId} , c_time= #{cTime} , u_id= #{uId} , u_time= #{uTime} , model_uuid = #{modelUuid}, device_id_of = #{device_id_of}, workingStatus = #{workingStatus}, grain_type = #{grain_type}, pro_num = #{pro_num}, department_head = #{departmentHead}, leaders_in_charge = #{leadersInCharge}, employer = #{employer}, responsible_department_head = #{responsibleDepartmentHead}, retrieval_department = #{retrievalDepartment}, amount = #{amount}, unit_price = #{unitPrice}, application_department = #{applicationDepartment}, applicant = #{applicant}, application_reason = #{applicationReason}, department_heads = #{departmentHeads}, leadership_opinions = #{leadershipOpinions}, normal_boot = #{normalBoot}, normal_operation = #{normalOperation}, clean_and_tidy = #{cleanAndTidy}, and a.fixed_asset_number = #{fixedAssetNumber} WHERE id = #{id} UPDATE record_device_get uuid = #{uuid} , grain_id= #{grainId} , house_id = #{houseId} , get_man = #{getMan} , device_name= #{deviceName} , device_model= #{deviceModel} , get_number= #{getNumber} , back_number= #{backNumber} , bookkeeper= #{bookkeeper} , handler= #{handler} , `number`= #{number} , unit= #{unit} , collator= #{collator} , get_time= #{getTime} , device_describe= #{deviceDescribe} , remark= #{remark} , c_id= #{cId} , c_time= #{cTime} , u_id= #{uId} , u_time= #{uTime} , model_uuid = #{modelUuid}, device_id_of = #{device_id_of}, workingStatus = #{workingStatus}, grain_type = #{grain_type}, pro_num = #{pro_num}, department_head = #{departmentHead}, leaders_in_charge = #{leadersInCharge}, employer = #{employer}, responsible_department_head = #{responsibleDepartmentHead}, retrieval_department = #{retrievalDepartment}, amount = #{amount}, unit_price = #{unitPrice}, application_department = #{applicationDepartment}, applicant = #{applicant}, application_reason = #{applicationReason}, department_heads = #{departmentHeads}, leadership_opinions = #{leadershipOpinions}, normal_boot = #{normalBoot}, normal_operation = #{normalOperation}, and a.fixed_asset_number = #{fixedAssetNumber} WHERE uuid = #{uuid} DELETE FROM record_device_get WHERE id = #{id} DELETE FROM record_device_get WHERE id IN #{item}