id , `type` , sub_type , uuid , house_id , volume , wind_reason , height , task_start_time , task_end_time , keeper , wind_total , unite_wind , blower_model , blower_power , blower_type , blower_type_unit , blower_total_forces , wind_type , blower_number , task_time , temp_high , temp_low , temp_average , humidity_high , humidity_low , humidity_average , temp_before_high , temp_after_high , temp_before_low , temp_after_low , temp_before_average , temp_end_average , water_before_high , water_before_low , water_before_average , water_after_high , water_after_low , water_after_average , temp_grads , water_grads , total_power , weather , air_temp , drug_time , house_temp , averate_temp , `number` , house_food_capacity , drug_purity , house_space_capacity , house_sum_capacity , sequence , material_capacity , drug_name , drug_way , drug_people_count , unite_power , is_fumigation , close_way , director , drug_capacity_count , durg_count , temp_before_fumigation , temp_after_fumigation , pest_before_fumigation , pest_after_fumigation , fumigation_kind , water , close_time , kill_ratio , remain_ratio , is_bad_things , manager_user , device_no , power , loop_time , air_condition_state , problems , improvement , temp_before_loop , temp_after_loop , operator , remark , c_id , u_id , c_time , u_time , version , outside_temp , circulation_power , circulation_time , circulation_number , loop_time_start , loop_time_end , avg_grain_temp , grainstack_avg_temp , air_tightness , security_officer , close_time_end , aeration_start_time , aeration_end_time , aeration_mode, drug_food_count INSERT INTO daily_record_task id, `type`, sub_type, uuid, house_id, volume, wind_reason, height, task_start_time, task_end_time, keeper, wind_total, unite_wind, blower_model, blower_power, blower_type, blower_type_unit, blower_total_forces, wind_type, blower_number, task_time, temp_high, temp_low, temp_average, humidity_high, humidity_low, humidity_average, temp_before_high, temp_after_high, temp_before_low, temp_after_low, temp_before_average, temp_end_average, water_before_high, water_before_low, water_before_average, water_after_high, water_after_low, water_after_average, temp_grads, water_grads, total_power, weather, air_temp, drug_time, house_temp, averate_temp, `number`, house_food_capacity, drug_purity, house_space_capacity, house_sum_capacity, sequence, material_capacity, drug_name, drug_way, drug_people_count, unite_power, is_fumigation, close_way, director, drug_capacity_count, durg_count, temp_before_fumigation, temp_after_fumigation, pest_before_fumigation, pest_after_fumigation, fumigation_kind, water, close_time, kill_ratio, remain_ratio, is_bad_things, manager_user, drug_food_count, device_no, power, loop_time, air_condition_state, problems, improvement, temp_before_loop, temp_after_loop, operator, remark, c_id, u_id, c_time, u_time, version, outside_temp, circulation_power, circulation_time, circulation_number, loop_time_start, loop_time_end, avg_grain_temp, grainstack_avg_temp, air_tightness, security_officer, close_time_end, aeration_start_time, aeration_end_time, aeration_mode #{id}, #{type}, #{subType}, #{uuid}, #{houseId}, #{volume}, #{windReason}, #{height}, #{taskStartTime}, #{taskEndTime}, #{keeper}, #{windTotal}, #{uniteWind}, #{blowerModel}, #{blowerPower}, #{blowerType}, #{blowerTypeUnit}, #{blowerTotalForces}, #{windType}, #{blowerNumber}, #{taskTime}, #{tempHigh}, #{tempLow}, #{tempAverage}, #{humidityHigh}, #{humidityLow}, #{humidityAverage}, #{tempBeforeHigh}, #{tempAfterHigh}, #{tempBeforeLow}, #{tempAfterLow}, #{tempBeforeAverage}, #{tempEndAverage}, #{waterBeforeHigh}, #{waterBeforeLow}, #{waterBeforeAverage}, #{waterAfterHigh}, #{waterAfterLow}, #{waterAfterAverage}, #{tempGrads}, #{waterGrads}, #{totalPower}, #{weather}, #{airTemp}, #{drugTime}, #{houseTemp}, #{averateTemp}, #{number}, #{houseFoodCapacity}, #{drugPurity}, #{houseSpaceCapacity}, #{houseSumCapacity}, #{sequence}, #{materialCapacity}, #{drugName}, #{drugWay}, #{drugPeopleCount}, #{unitePower}, #{isFumigation}, #{closeWay}, #{director}, #{drugCapacityCount}, #{durgCount}, #{tempBeforeFumigation}, #{tempAfterFumigation}, #{pestBeforeFumigation}, #{pestAfterFumigation}, #{fumigationKind}, #{water}, #{closeTime}, #{killRatio}, #{remainRatio}, #{isBadThings}, #{managerUser}, #{drugFoodCount}, #{deviceNo}, #{power}, #{loopTime}, #{airConditionState}, #{problems}, #{improvement}, #{tempBeforeLoop}, #{tempAfterLoop}, #{operator}, #{remark}, #{cId}, #{uId}, #{cTime}, #{uTime}, #{version}, #{outsideTemp}, #{circulationPower}, #{circulationTime}, #{circulationNumber}, #{loopTimeStart}, #{loopTimeEnd}, #{avgGrainTemp}, #{grainstackAvgTemp}, #{airTightness}, #{securityOfficer}, #{closeTimeEnd}, #{aerationStartTime}, #{aerationEndTime}, #{aerationMode} UPDATE daily_record_task `type`= #{type} , sub_type= #{subType} , uuid= #{uuid} , house_id= #{houseId} , volume= #{volume} , wind_reason= #{windReason} , height= #{height} , task_start_time= #{taskStartTime} , task_end_time= #{taskEndTime} , keeper= #{keeper} , wind_total= #{windTotal} , unite_wind= #{uniteWind} , blower_model= #{blowerModel} , blower_power= #{blowerPower} , blower_type= #{blowerType} , blower_type_unit= #{blowerTypeUnit} , blower_total_forces= #{blowerTotalForces} , wind_type= #{windType} , blower_number= #{blowerNumber} , task_time= #{taskTime} , temp_high= #{tempHigh} , temp_low= #{tempLow} , temp_average= #{tempAverage} , humidity_high= #{humidityHigh} , humidity_low= #{humidityLow} , humidity_average= #{humidityAverage} , temp_before_high= #{tempBeforeHigh} , temp_after_high= #{tempAfterHigh} , temp_before_low= #{tempBeforeLow} , temp_after_low= #{tempAfterLow} , temp_before_average= #{tempBeforeAverage} , temp_end_average= #{tempEndAverage} , water_before_high= #{waterBeforeHigh} , water_before_low= #{waterBeforeLow} , water_before_average= #{waterBeforeAverage} , water_after_high= #{waterAfterHigh} , water_after_low= #{waterAfterLow} , water_after_average= #{waterAfterAverage} , temp_grads= #{tempGrads} , water_grads= #{waterGrads} , total_power= #{totalPower} , weather= #{weather} , air_temp= #{airTemp} , drug_time= #{drugTime} , house_temp= #{houseTemp} , averate_temp= #{averateTemp} , `number`= #{number} , house_food_capacity= #{houseFoodCapacity} , drug_purity= #{drugPurity} , house_space_capacity= #{houseSpaceCapacity} , house_sum_capacity= #{houseSumCapacity} , sequence= #{sequence} , material_capacity= #{materialCapacity} , drug_name= #{drugName} , drug_way= #{drugWay} , drug_people_count= #{drugPeopleCount} , unite_power= #{unitePower} , is_fumigation= #{isFumigation} , close_way= #{closeWay} , director= #{director} , drug_capacity_count= #{drugCapacityCount} , durg_count= #{durgCount} , temp_before_fumigation= #{tempBeforeFumigation} , temp_after_fumigation= #{tempAfterFumigation} , pest_before_fumigation= #{pestBeforeFumigation} , pest_after_fumigation= #{pestAfterFumigation} , fumigation_kind= #{fumigationKind} , water= #{water} , close_time= #{closeTime} , kill_ratio= #{killRatio} , remain_ratio= #{remainRatio} , is_bad_things= #{isBadThings} , manager_user= #{managerUser} , device_no= #{deviceNo} , power= #{power} , loop_time= #{loopTime} , air_condition_state= #{airConditionState} , problems= #{problems} , improvement= #{improvement} , temp_before_loop= #{tempBeforeLoop} , temp_after_loop= #{tempAfterLoop} , operator= #{operator} , remark= #{remark} , c_id= #{cId} , u_id= #{uId} , c_time= #{cTime} , u_time= #{uTime} , version= #{version} , outside_temp= #{outsideTemp} , circulation_power= #{circulationPower} , circulation_time= #{circulationTime} , circulation_number= #{circulationNumber} , loop_time_start= #{loopTimeStart} , loop_time_end= #{loopTimeEnd} , avg_grain_temp= #{avgGrainTemp} , grainstack_avg_temp= #{grainstackAvgTemp} , air_tightness= #{airTightness} , security_officer= #{securityOfficer} , close_time_end= #{closeTimeEnd} , aeration_start_time= #{aerationStartTime} , aeration_end_time= #{aerationEndTime} , aeration_mode= #{aerationMode} , sync_flag=#{syncFlag} WHERE uuid = #{uuid} UPDATE daily_record_task id= #{id} , `type`= #{type} , sub_type= #{subType} , uuid= #{uuid} , house_id= #{houseId} , volume= #{volume} , wind_reason= #{windReason} , height= #{height} , task_start_time= #{taskStartTime} , task_end_time= #{taskEndTime} , keeper= #{keeper} , wind_total= #{windTotal} , unite_wind= #{uniteWind} , blower_model= #{blowerModel} , blower_power= #{blowerPower} , blower_type= #{blowerType} , blower_type_unit= #{blowerTypeUnit} , blower_total_forces= #{blowerTotalForces} , wind_type= #{windType} , blower_number= #{blowerNumber} , task_time= #{taskTime} , temp_high= #{tempHigh} , temp_low= #{tempLow} , temp_average= #{tempAverage} , humidity_high= #{humidityHigh} , humidity_low= #{humidityLow} , humidity_average= #{humidityAverage} , temp_before_high= #{tempBeforeHigh} , temp_after_high= #{tempAfterHigh} , temp_before_low= #{tempBeforeLow} , temp_after_low= #{tempAfterLow} , temp_before_average= #{tempBeforeAverage} , temp_end_average= #{tempEndAverage} , water_before_high= #{waterBeforeHigh} , water_before_low= #{waterBeforeLow} , water_before_average= #{waterBeforeAverage} , water_after_high= #{waterAfterHigh} , water_after_low= #{waterAfterLow} , water_after_average= #{waterAfterAverage} , temp_grads= #{tempGrads} , water_grads= #{waterGrads} , total_power= #{totalPower} , weather= #{weather} , air_temp= #{airTemp} , drug_time= #{drugTime} , house_temp= #{houseTemp} , averate_temp= #{averateTemp} , `number`= #{number} , house_food_capacity= #{houseFoodCapacity} , drug_purity= #{drugPurity} , house_space_capacity= #{houseSpaceCapacity} , house_sum_capacity= #{houseSumCapacity} , sequence= #{sequence} , material_capacity= #{materialCapacity} , drug_name= #{drugName} , drug_way= #{drugWay} , drug_people_count= #{drugPeopleCount} , unite_power= #{unitePower} , is_fumigation= #{isFumigation} , close_way= #{closeWay} , director= #{director} , drug_capacity_count= #{drugCapacityCount} , durg_count= #{durgCount} , temp_before_fumigation= #{tempBeforeFumigation} , temp_after_fumigation= #{tempAfterFumigation} , pest_before_fumigation= #{pestBeforeFumigation} , pest_after_fumigation= #{pestAfterFumigation} , fumigation_kind= #{fumigationKind} , water= #{water} , close_time= #{closeTime} , kill_ratio= #{killRatio} , remain_ratio= #{remainRatio} , is_bad_things= #{isBadThings} , manager_user= #{managerUser} , device_no= #{deviceNo} , power= #{power} , loop_time= #{loopTime} , air_condition_state= #{airConditionState} , problems= #{problems} , improvement= #{improvement} , temp_before_loop= #{tempBeforeLoop} , temp_after_loop= #{tempAfterLoop} , operator= #{operator} , remark= #{remark} , c_id= #{cId} , u_id= #{uId} , c_time= #{cTime} , u_time= #{uTime} , version= #{version} , outside_temp= #{outsideTemp} , circulation_power= #{circulationPower} , circulation_time= #{circulationTime} , circulation_number= #{circulationNumber} , loop_time_start= #{loopTimeStart} , loop_time_end= #{loopTimeEnd} , avg_grain_temp= #{avgGrainTemp} , grainstack_avg_temp= #{grainstackAvgTemp} , air_tightness= #{airTightness} , security_officer= #{securityOfficer} , close_time_end= #{closeTimeEnd} , aeration_start_time= #{aerationStartTime} , aeration_end_time= #{aerationEndTime} , aeration_mode= #{aerationMode} WHERE id = #{id} UPDATE daily_record_task id= #{id} , `type`= #{type} , sub_type= #{subType} , uuid= #{uuid} , house_id= #{houseId} , volume= #{volume} , wind_reason= #{windReason} , height= #{height} , task_start_time= #{taskStartTime} , task_end_time= #{taskEndTime} , keeper= #{keeper} , wind_total= #{windTotal} , unite_wind= #{uniteWind} , blower_model= #{blowerModel} , blower_power= #{blowerPower} , blower_type= #{blowerType} , blower_type_unit= #{blowerTypeUnit} , blower_total_forces= #{blowerTotalForces} , wind_type= #{windType} , blower_number= #{blowerNumber} , task_time= #{taskTime} , temp_high= #{tempHigh} , temp_low= #{tempLow} , temp_average= #{tempAverage} , humidity_high= #{humidityHigh} , humidity_low= #{humidityLow} , humidity_average= #{humidityAverage} , temp_before_high= #{tempBeforeHigh} , temp_after_high= #{tempAfterHigh} , temp_before_low= #{tempBeforeLow} , temp_after_low= #{tempAfterLow} , temp_before_average= #{tempBeforeAverage} , temp_end_average= #{tempEndAverage} , water_before_high= #{waterBeforeHigh} , water_before_low= #{waterBeforeLow} , water_before_average= #{waterBeforeAverage} , water_after_high= #{waterAfterHigh} , water_after_low= #{waterAfterLow} , water_after_average= #{waterAfterAverage} , temp_grads= #{tempGrads} , water_grads= #{waterGrads} , total_power= #{totalPower} , weather= #{weather} , air_temp= #{airTemp} , drug_time= #{drugTime} , house_temp= #{houseTemp} , averate_temp= #{averateTemp} , `number`= #{number} , house_food_capacity= #{houseFoodCapacity} , drug_purity= #{drugPurity} , house_space_capacity= #{houseSpaceCapacity} , house_sum_capacity= #{houseSumCapacity} , sequence= #{sequence} , material_capacity= #{materialCapacity} , drug_name= #{drugName} , drug_way= #{drugWay} , drug_people_count= #{drugPeopleCount} , unite_power= #{unitePower} , is_fumigation= #{isFumigation} , close_way= #{closeWay} , director= #{director} , drug_capacity_count= #{drugCapacityCount} , durg_count= #{durgCount} , temp_before_fumigation= #{tempBeforeFumigation} , temp_after_fumigation= #{tempAfterFumigation} , pest_before_fumigation= #{pestBeforeFumigation} , pest_after_fumigation= #{pestAfterFumigation} , fumigation_kind= #{fumigationKind} , water= #{water} , close_time= #{closeTime} , kill_ratio= #{killRatio} , remain_ratio= #{remainRatio} , is_bad_things= #{isBadThings} , manager_user= #{managerUser} , device_no= #{deviceNo} , power= #{power} , loop_time= #{loopTime} , air_condition_state= #{airConditionState} , problems= #{problems} , improvement= #{improvement} , temp_before_loop= #{tempBeforeLoop} , temp_after_loop= #{tempAfterLoop} , operator= #{operator} , remark= #{remark} , c_id= #{cId} , u_id= #{uId} , c_time= #{cTime} , u_time= #{uTime} , version= #{version} , outside_temp= #{outsideTemp} , circulation_power= #{circulationPower} , circulation_time= #{circulationTime} , circulation_number= #{circulationNumber} , loop_time_start= #{loopTimeStart} , loop_time_end= #{loopTimeEnd} , avg_grain_temp= #{avgGrainTemp} , grainstack_avg_temp= #{grainstackAvgTemp} , air_tightness= #{airTightness} , security_officer= #{securityOfficer} , close_time_end= #{closeTimeEnd} , aeration_start_time= #{aerationStartTime} , aeration_end_time= #{aerationEndTime} , aeration_mode= #{aerationMode} WHERE id = #{id} DELETE FROM daily_record_task WHERE id = #{id} DELETE FROM daily_record_task WHERE id IN #{item} DELETE FROM daily_record_task WHERE house_id = #{houseId} AND loop_time_start #{cTime} AND task_start_time #{cTime}