a.id , a.uuid , a.record_unite , a.keep_unite , a.location_num , a.quality , a.`type` , a.htype , a.`number` , a.stand_number , a.input_year , a.grow_year , a.keep_method , a.`level` , a.weight , a.impurity , a.water , a.unsound , a.recorder , a.house_type , a.design_house_capacity , a.valid_house_capacity , a.price , a.place_of_origin , a.storage_location , a.disperse_capacity , a.`length` , a.width , a.height , a.pack_num , a.pack_average_weight , a.filling_time , a.c_id , a.c_time , a.u_id , a.u_time , a.version , a.house_id , a.line_height, a.status, a.diameter, a.kcvolume, a.management INSERT INTO daily_record_foodbasicinfo id, uuid, record_unite, keep_unite, location_num, quality, type, htype, number, stand_number, input_year, grow_year, keep_method, level, weight, impurity, water, unsound, recorder, house_type, design_house_capacity, valid_house_capacity, price, place_of_origin, storage_location, disperse_capacity, length, width, height, pack_num, pack_average_weight, filling_time, c_id, c_time, u_id, u_time, version, house_id, line_height, status, diameter, kcvolume, management #{id}, #{uuid}, #{recordUnite}, #{keepUnite}, #{locationNum}, #{quality}, #{type}, #{htype}, #{number}, #{standNumber}, #{inputYear}, #{growYear}, #{keepMethod}, #{level}, #{weight}, #{impurity}, #{water}, #{unsound}, #{recorder}, #{houseType}, #{designHouseCapacity}, #{validHouseCapacity}, #{price}, #{placeOfOrigin}, #{storageLocation}, #{disperseCapacity}, #{length}, #{width}, #{height}, #{packNum}, #{packAverageWeight}, #{fillingTime}, #{cId}, #{cTime}, #{uId}, #{uTime}, #{version}, #{houseId}, #{lineHeight} , #{status} , #{diameter}, #{kcvolume}, #{management} UPDATE daily_record_foodbasicinfo id= #{id} , uuid= #{uuid} , record_unite= #{recordUnite} , keep_unite= #{keepUnite} , location_num= #{locationNum} , quality= #{quality} , `type`= #{type} , htype= #{htype} , `number`= #{number} , stand_number= #{standNumber} , input_year= #{inputYear} , grow_year= #{growYear} , keep_method= #{keepMethod} , `level`= #{level} , weight= #{weight} , impurity= #{impurity} , water= #{water} , unsound= #{unsound} , recorder= #{recorder} , house_type= #{houseType} , design_house_capacity= #{designHouseCapacity} , valid_house_capacity= #{validHouseCapacity} , price= #{price} , place_of_origin= #{placeOfOrigin} , storage_location= #{storageLocation} , disperse_capacity= #{disperseCapacity} , `length`= #{length} , width= #{width} , height= #{height} , pack_num= #{packNum} , pack_average_weight= #{packAverageWeight} , filling_time= #{fillingTime} , c_id= #{cId} , c_time= #{cTime} , u_id= #{uId} , u_time= #{uTime} , version= #{version} , house_id= #{houseId} , line_height = #{lineHeight}, status = #{status}, diameter = #{diameter}, kcvolume = #{kcvolume}, management = #{management} id = #{id} and house_id = #{houseId} UPDATE daily_record_foodbasicinfo id= #{id} , uuid= #{uuid} , record_unite= #{recordUnite} , keep_unite= #{keepUnite} , location_num= #{locationNum} , quality= #{quality} , `type`= #{type} , htype= #{htype} , `number`= #{number} , stand_number= #{standNumber} , input_year= #{inputYear} , output_year= #{outputYear} , grow_year= #{growYear} , keep_method= #{keepMethod} , `level`= #{level} , weight= #{weight} , impurity= #{impurity} , water= #{water} , unsound= #{unsound} , recorder= #{recorder} , house_type= #{houseType} , design_house_capacity= #{designHouseCapacity} , valid_house_capacity= #{validHouseCapacity} , price= #{price} , place_of_origin= #{placeOfOrigin} , storage_location= #{storageLocation} , disperse_capacity= #{disperseCapacity} , `length`= #{length} , width= #{width} , height= #{height} , pack_num= #{packNum} , pack_average_weight= #{packAverageWeight} , filling_time= #{fillingTime} , c_id= #{cId} , c_time= #{cTime} , u_id= #{uId} , u_time= #{uTime} , version= #{version} , house_id= #{houseId} , line_height = #{lineHeight}, status = #{status}, diameter = #{diameter}, kcvolume = #{kcvolume}, management = #{management} id = #{id} and house_id = #{houseId} UPDATE daily_record_foodbasicinfo set htype=0 where id =#{id} DELETE FROM daily_record_foodbasicinfo WHERE id = #{id} DELETE FROM daily_record_foodbasicinfo WHERE id IN #{item} DELETE FROM daily_record_foodbasicinfo WHERE house_id = #{houseId} AND input_year #{cTime}